

Grand orgue
Estate of Frank Eck

Grand chœur
$250,000 to $500,000
Kelly & Bob Kyle
Hal & Anita Purcell

Grand jeu
$100,000 to $200,000

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
Diocesan Annual Appeal
Hon. +Thomas Jones & Reji Carreras
Ted Robb
Pam & Bill+ Royall
Marcus & Carol Weinstein

Plein jeu
$50,000 to $100,000

Bliley’s Funeral Home
Al & Margaret Broaddus
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Foundation

Jeux d’anches
$15,000 to $50,000

Norbert & Kathy Bliley
Carey & Jenny Bliley
George Bruner
Fatherree Foundation
Michael & Susan Gracik Jr.
Katherine Harder+

Jane Hamilton & Steve O’Brien
George & Denise Kasper
Don & Ann+ King
Mike and Kim Kremer
Roger Neathawk & Chuck Miller
John & Kimberly O’Grady

Charles O’Keeffe
Roller-Bottimore Foundation
Bill & Michelle Thomson
Kent & Marcia Velde
Weathertop Foundation

Fonds d’orgue
$5,000 to $15,000

James & Lee Atkinson
Laura O’Connor & William Beebe
Chip & Mary Bliley
CapCenter Foundation
Anthony & Yvonne Conte

David & Jean Corrigan
Rick Fox & Owen Sharman
Julie & Peter Hains
Gene Ledlie
Elaine Loomis

Gerald & Lu McCarthy
Nancy Peterman
Anita Purcell
Knights of Columbus Bernard J. Quinn Council No. 11710
Scott Foundation

$1,000 to $5,000

Paula Desel & Henry Ayon
Tiffany & Jason Baham
Angela & André Basmajian
Will Beebe
William Briscoe
Gary & Josephine Brown
Paul Cormier
Alexander Crump
Adele Crump
Maria Curran
Jane Cutchins
Mary Ann Danser & John Geiger
Kathlyn Degnan
Dominion Energy
Jacob Dubois
Martin Armstrong Erb
June Gray
Susan Healy
Mark Higgins
Mike High
Michael House
John Huber

Thomas & Anne Innes
Andrea Jansen
Bill+ & Liz Kastelberg
Margaret Keightley
Anne Kenny-Urban & Bill Urban
Rev. Msgr. Mark Lane
Kurt & Kelly Lash
Robert & Maureen Leipertz
John & Deborah Luther
Rev. Msgr. Thomas Miller
Randolph Moore
Russell Moores
Jose Murillo
Dennis Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. G. Paul Nardo
Tim Nolte
William & Julie O’Connell
Pamela Roberts
Todd & Becky Rogers
+Kennard Boland Ross
Tom & Janet Schleicher
Hon. Gerald W. Scott

Charles Alan Scott
Michael Tacon Scott
Janice Shaughnessy
Peter Shudtz
Ingrid Smith
Joyce Stargardt
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stipe
The Michael L. Trancynger Charitable Fund
Triangle Community Foundation, Inc.
Henry Valentine
Mike Valentine
VCU Music & Medicine Orchestra
William Andrew & Rebecca Velde
John West Foundation
Rosemary Whitehorne
Marie DeBrodt Williams
Rev. Msgr. John Joseph Williams
Carl & Pam Wolf
Gibson Wright
Gary Young

$500 to $1000

Debra Amrhein
Carl Archacki
Terry & Jerry Bullard
Christopher Campbell
Maria Curran
Paul Gilding
Francis Glynn
Rev. Msgr. Patrick Golden
Pat Humphrey

Andrea Jansen
Miles Johnson
Ami Kim
Knights of Columbus Joseph M. Johnson Council No. 7538
Julie Ladocsi
Maria Lang
Karen Lucas
Susan Massart
Mary Metcalfe

Rev. Msgr. Raymond Francis Muench
Angela O’Connor
Stephen Gregory Reardon Jr.
Sally Rehkopf
Mary Ann & Gilberto E Rodriguez
Marilyn Schreiber
Margaret Sullivan
Andrew E. Tarne
Steve Yeakel

$100 to $500

Kathy Akridge
Holly Aldridge
Ameritrade Clearing
Arthur Anderson
John+ & Diane Anderson
Melanie Bailey & Rev. Dr. Ron Crawford
Kate Bally
Martin J. Barbie, Jr
Valery R. Bates
John J. Beall
Maura Bisceglia
John Braymer
Carol Brown
Ann Brown
George A. Bruner
Mary J. Brunner
Kevin Bruny
Thomas Burke
Benjamin Butcher
Doreen Cadigan
James Carreras
Edward Cheek
Lauren Clay
Charles Connellan
Peter Cunningham
Peg & Mike Curley
Robert & Nancy Decker
Eugenia Donahue
Susan Dubuque
Daniel Elder
Christine Ertell
Catharine J. Farley
Michael Flaherty
Maureen Foust
Frances S. Framme
Robert Gallagher

Elizabeth Hardwood
+Jackie Harvey
Lisa Hearl
June Heesen
Nancy Heltman
Raymond Hilliard
James Hirsch
Marion McCain Horsley
Amy Hruska
Scott Huzek
Diane Jacobus
Sharon Jadrnak
Thomas & Anne Jefferson
Diane Kean
Joel & Fran Keith
Anne Knasel
Stephen Koch
Mary Koper
Myron Kostyk
Michael Kotrady
Jennifer LaRue
Rondy Lazaro
John Luther
Carol Mackenzie & Sheila Pariser
Matthew Manion
Caryn Marion
James & Susanne Martin
Ann Mays+
James McMenamin
Kittie Messman
Peter Mikkalson
Joseph Monroe
Karen Mortensen
Beth, Lyne & Laurence Neathawk & Judith SheaAngela T. O’Connor
Yvonne N. Gold

Felicia Omick
Cheryl Van Ornam
Gina Padrone
Frances Parra
Angelene Varick Pell
Christine Plant
Maria Pruessmann
Hillary Pryor
Tyrone O Rickey
The Ridgefield Group, Inc.
Nita Ripple
Thomas C. Rooney
Daniel Benjamin Sañez
John Schwartz
Laura Skeith
Mark Skvara
Michael Sosnkowski
Jack Spain
Randall A. Stinnette
Julia Sutherland
William Tan
Andrew Tarne
Harry Thalhimer
James & Maria Thorsen
Tamara Toms
Linda Uphoff
Elizabeth Watson
John Whitfield
Virginia Whitmire
Holly & Paul Wilson
Stephanie Wishnack
Cheryl Yancey
Meghan Zapiec

$5 to $100

Hagan Aldridge
John Aune
Emmanuel Barks
Caroline Barnes
Kevin Barron
Alla Baskakova
Vernon & Judith Beasley
Bob Busch
Keri Bush
Jesse Carll
Janet Chase
Whitten Cluff
Bernadette B Coleman
Jenalee Coster
Michael Daugherty
Lily Dean
Rev. Mr. Michael DeNoia
John Donner
Barbara Duling
Christopher Dunn
Pat Dunn
Thomas Flatley
Daniel Friedman
Jeffrey Golden
Malyeek Greene
Charles Gross
Laura & Joseph Guardino
Janice Guzman
Rob Hagan
Richard Hallenback
Evan Heiter

Raymond Hilliard
Steve Harry Huppert
Holly Jenkins
John Judge
David Keator
Mary Jo Kelly
Brian Kusiak
Grace Laidlaw
Carmen Lane
Vanessa Li
Brigid & Robert Ludvigsen
Christine Markowski
William Maxey
Esther Maxey
Eileen Meagher
Ellen Michell
Deborah L. Minter
Jake Mullican
Owen O’Hara
Martha O’Keefe
Mark Pacoe
Mary Page
Andy Thornton Paxton
Allyson Peterson
George Pottanat
Robert Pustilnik
Emma & Gordon Randlett
Hunter Reardon
Billy Reid
Brett Richardson
Riverside Council of Co-Owners

Raymond Roberts
Christian Christian Ruiz
Joani Saffer
Katie Sanderson
CarrieLynn Saul
Toni Schmiegel
Carol Schuyler
Andrew Schwieder
Thomas Seabrook
Chris Sill
Rick Simon
Rosemary B Sinclair
Paul Sojka
Laura Stanton
Teri Stipe
Ryan Tibbetts
Joseph Topich
Joanne Turner
Helene Vaughan
Danny Vinson
Griffin Walsh
Barbara Warren
Joy Weir
Mary Beth Willis
Matthew Wood
Archer L. Yeatts
Patricia Younkins
Skyler Zunk

Gifts were made in memory of:

John Anderson
Clifford R Baham & Timothy J Kolb
Alfred Baird
The Barbie Family
Gordon Carlson
Edward Cheek
Patricia B Daugherty
Shelia Dolan
Mary Chase Eck
Marie Antoinette Elbling
Paul Elbling
Dorothy G. Ertell
Jane Flatley
Natalee Franzyshen
Dr. Thomas & Patricia Golden
Kelsey Hansen
Katherine Harder

Zachary Hansen
John Harvey
Hon. Thomas Jones
Bill Kastelberg
John & Jeanne Kremer
Rev. Msgr. Charles A. Kelly Jr.
John C. Kenny
Ann Kim
Bob Kyle
Hazel Lewane
Marian Mahon
Michael J. & Agnes Sitterding Maiorano
Nancy Malone
John Markowski
Joseph Marques
Ann Mays
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore

Joan Nolte
Thomas O’Donnell
Tomas Policao, father of Angel Policao-Cortes
Col. Larry M. Ripple
Luis Emilio Rojas
Lady Frances Scott
Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen
Emmitt and Anne Short
Dorothy Utz
Rev. Mr. Charles Williams Jr.
Lorin Arthur Wiseman
Charles W. Wittler & John J. White
Damien Wood

Gifts were made in honor of:

Holly Aldridge
The Barbie Family
Allen Bean’s Birthday
Marriage of Will Beebe & Laura O’Connor
The Bliley Family
Marriage of Blanca Nora Santana Castro & Peter Cunningham
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Foundation Board
The Cecchini Family
The Dubois Family
Susan Dubuque
Jeanette Golden & Dolores Dominguez
Janice Guzman
The Faithful
Silver jubilee of Rev. Msgr. Patrick Golden
Marriage of Joseph & Laura Guardino
Janice Guzman

Jane Hamilton
45th ordination anniversary of Rev. Msgr. Mark Lane
15th ordination anniversary of Rev. Anthony Marques
Rev. Msgr. Thomas G. Miller
The Moores Family
Patricia Morelli Monroe
Roger Neathawk & Chuck Miller
Golden Wedding Jubilee of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gross
Cathedral Pipe Organ Campaign Committee
Meredith Rooney
Piper Rooney
John & Veronica Pryor
Connor Purcell
Hayden Purcell
Taylor Purcell
Gavin Purcell

Ella Purcell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Reardon & Family
For her love of music and in praise of our Lord – Meredith Rooney
Piper Rooney
100th birthday of Theda Royall
Daniel Sañez
Marriage of Daniel Sañez & Lauren Clay
Marriage of Mark Skvara & Gloribel Bonilla
50th Wedding Anniversary of Jim & Maria Thorsen
Margaret W. Valentine
Charles W. Wittler & John J. White
Damien Wood

Donors as of September 30, 2024
Please contact for corrections to the donor list.


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